First four-day Sittings of the National Assembly Ended

At February 9 sitting of the National Assembly the NA deputies resumed debating the issue of the candidacy of the two lawyer-scientists of RA Justice Council.

As a result of close ballots, Robert Avagyan, RPA faction candidate, with 69 - for, 20 against votes, and OE faction candidate Grigor Badiryan with 79 for and 9 against votes were elected scientist members of RA Justice Council.

The National Assembly resumed the process of the election of RA Human Rights Defender (Ombudsman). The coalition factions again proposed candidate of the Human Rights Defender Armen Harutiunyan, who had 69 votes during the previous voting. This time Ardarutiun (Justice) and Azgayin Miabanutiun (National Unity) factions proposed Hrant Khachatryan, deputy of the National Assembly.

The candidates proposed their views of the obligations, mechanisms of productive actions, works to be done of the Human Rights Defender and answered the deputies’ questions.

The deputies, making their speeches, defended this or that candidate and assessed the two candidates’ virtues. They mentioned with satisfaction that such debates going on in good atmosphere will only promote the formation of the institute of Human Rights Defender and shaping of the atmosphere of mutual understanding in the parliament.

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