Liability Mechanisms for Violation of Rules of Use of Cash Registers to Be Reviewed
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The executive body proposes to review the lability mechanisms for violation of the rules of use of cash registers. The difference in the amount of current fines in case of different tax regimes is eliminated. The existing regulations on the multiplication of fines in case of two or more violations and the institute of suspension are also repealed.

The Government proposes the above-mentioned regulations by the bill on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Tax Code. The RA Deputy Chairman of the State Revenue Committee Artur Manukyan presented the issue for debate in the second reading in the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs.

The key rapporteur informed that a joint liability measure was established for violation of the rules of operation of cash registers. It will be 200.000 AMD plus 0,5% of the revenue recorded in all cash registers in the previous quarter.

The liability mechanisms in case of violations of the supply without accompanying documents were tightened. According to Artur Manukyan, under the current regulations, it is often beneficial for economic entities to commit a violation, pay the fine and not document. The fine of 200.000 AMD set for the first violation will be replaced by 500.000 AMD, in the second case – 500.000 AMD by 2 million AMD, and in case of third and more violations 10 million AMD will be set instead of 1 million AMD.

The Committee endorsed the bill.