Executive Body Specifies the List of Facilities of Special Regulation Separated for Urban Development Activities
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The executive body regulates with the proposing amendments to the law on Urban Development the powers of the community in case of availability of the spatial planning documents, the duties and the legal relations with the authorized body of the urban development sphere, as well as provides the participation of the community through the planning of the urban development activities in the implementation of the changes of the human life environment.

According to the Deputy Chairperson of the RA Urban Development Committee Nune Petrosyan, the spatial planning documents will be provided for debate of the Inter-Interdepartmental Committee regulating the activities of the sphere by the authorized body of the field.

The list of the special regulation separated for the urban development activities is specified by the initiative, including the adjacent territories by the highways of inter-state and republican importance.

As the rapporteur informed, the draft was circulated by the departments, proposals were received, on basis of which it was revised.

In his co-report, the member of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs, Hovik Aghazaryan voiced the endorsement of the Committee and called on to vote for it.

The issue was debated in the first reading at June 14 NA sitting.

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