Alen Simonyan Meets with IRI Minister of Foreign Affairs
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On June 16, the RA NA President Alen Simonyan being in the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) on an official visit met with the IRI Minister of Foreign Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.

After the exchange of greetings, the sides spoke about 30-year diplomatic relations, which launched the development process of the inter-state cooperation, and its basis was created still centuries ago. Alen Simonyan noted that the bilateral relations built on mutual respect and trust are of great importance for the Republic of Armenia, as Iran is not only a neighbouring country, but also an important, reliable and trustworthy trade partner for us. He highlighted the development of the inter-parliamentary cooperation, agreeing that the activation of the parliaments’ contacts in the bilateral, as well as multilateral format promote the strengthening of mutual understanding and mutual trust, the expansion of the framework of the common viewpoints and the development of cooperation between the countries.

The RA NA President noted that always taking into consideration the interests of friendly Iran, on different platforms Armenia supported its position as much as possible and expects appropriate attitude from Iran, adding that the Armenian-Iranian cooperation always contributed and will contribute to the strengthening of regional peace and stability.

The sides touched upon the war unleashed against Nagorno Karabakh by the Azerbaijani-Turkish tandem and the situation created as a consequence of it and the unsolved numerous humanitarian problems, particularly, the issue of the return of prisoners of war.

“I think that the unbiased approach of Iran, the friendly state, will have a serious contribution to the pro-Azerbaijani initiatives being circulated on the international and regional platforms for the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh problem,” Alen Simonyan noted.

At the meeting the strategic dialogue with Iran was greatly emphasized and the possible essential progress of bilateral relations in all directions as a result of it was expected.

At the discussion the sides spoke about the investment interests being shown from the Iranian side in the RA Syunik Marz.

In this respect the RA NA President attached importance to the establishment of the Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kapan, as well as mutually the need to open the Consulate General of the Republic of Armenia in Tabriz.

The IRI Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed conviction that the Armenian-Iranian cooperation has great potential of development and expansion, and he is ready to support the development of Armenia-Iran mutually beneficial cooperation for the benefit of our friendly peoples.

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