Parliament Convenes Extraordinary Session
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On June 27, on the deputies’ initiative, the National Assembly convened an extraordinary session.

The parliament debated the issue of the election of a candidate nominated for the vacant position of a judge of the Administrative Chamber of the Court of Cassation. The Supreme Judicial Council nominated Hrach Ayvazyan, Artak Zeynalyan and Liana Hakobyan to be elected to that position. The National Assembly should elect a candidate for the position of a judge of the Administrative Chamber of the Court of Cassation from the three nominated candidates.

In his speech, Davit Khachaturyan, a member of the Supreme Judicial Council, clarified that the number of chambers of the Court of Cassation increased within the framework of reforms implemented in the judicial sphere last year, so there was a need to appoint judges to the vacant positions of those chambers. According to the rapporteur, this amendment made in the RA Judicial Code will strengthen the protection of human rights, as it is aimed at increasing the efficiency of the work of the courts and will promote the examination of cases within a reasonable time.

Davit Khachaturyan, a member of the Supreme Judicial Council, nominated Hrach Ayvazyan as a candidate for the position of a judge of the Administrative Chamber of the Court of Cassation.

In his speech, Hrach Ayvazyan referred to the role and significance of the Court of Cassation in the justice system, mentioned the existing problems. In particular, one of those problems is the disproportionate workload of the courts and the indefinite deadlines for examining complaints. According to him, despite the fact that the courts administer proper justice, public assessment of the administration of justice and the judicial power are sometimes inadequate.

Davit Khachaturyan, a member of the Supreme Judicial Council, nominated Artak Zeynalyan as a candidate for the position a judge of the Administrative Chamber of the Court of Cassation.

Artak Zeynalyan, a candidate for a judge of the Administrative Chamber of the Court of Cassation, noted that he authored hundreds of complaints, lawsuits, applications, which were the basis for the improvement of law enforcement practice. The candidate stated that the establishment of specialized administrative courts was a turning point in the development of Armenian law. The rapporteur also considered the establishment of the Administrative Chamber of the Court of Cassation a turning point. He said that a number of components of the right to a fair trial, including the right to a trial within a reasonable time, are not provided in the RA or in a satisfactory condition. According to Narek Zeynalyan, both the Court of Cassation and the newly established Administrative Chamber of the Court of Cassation have serious work to do here. He also highlighted the role of the Chamber of Advocates, presented his vision of judicial reform.

Davit Khachaturyan, a member of the Supreme Judicial Council, nominated Liana Hakobyan as a candidate for the position of a judge of the Administrative Chamber of the Court of Cassation.

Liana Hakobyan emphasized that today’s election is special in a way that a new structural unit of the Court of Cassation is formed by the election of three candidates, the system of the Administrative justice becomes complete. According to her, today’s election marks the end of the formation of a specialized system of administrative justice in the Republic of Armenia, which began with the establishment of the RA Administrative Court in 2008. Among the peculiarities of administrative justice, she singled out the sustainability and improvement of the entire state administration system.

The Chair of the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Vladimir Vardanyan noted that they are carrying out one of the largest recent expansions in the sphere of judicial power. He assessed both the professional abilities and the value system of the candidates included in the top three, noting that each of them has made a great contribution to the development of the RA judicial system. According to the Chair of the Committee, the judicial reforms will be permanent, they will be developed and implemented regularly, if necessary, improving the working style of the judicial power.

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