Armen Khachatryan Elected Deputy Chair of NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security
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Artur Ghazinyan moved to the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs and the Armenia Faction sent to our, Standing Committee on Defense and Security, Anna Grigoryan, who did not take part in the Committee sittings. The Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security Andranik Kocharyan informed about this at July 6 extraordinary sitting, where the item of the election of the Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee was debated.

The Committee nominated the deputy of the Civil Contract Faction Armen Khachatryan for that position. As a result of voting, the latter was elected Deputy Chair of the Committee.

Armen Khachatryan thanked his colleagues for the trust. According to him, there are numerous problems before our country in the sphere of defense and security, which need to be solved.

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