Ruben Rubinyan Meets with Delegation Led by Assistant Secretary-General of UN Miroslav Jenča
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On September 2, the Vice President of the RA National Assembly Ruben Rubinyan met with the delegation led by Miroslav Jenča, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations.

The Vice President presented the security situation in Nagorno-Karabakh and the region after the 44-day war unleashed by Azerbaijan in 2020. He emphasized the need to eliminate the problems and threats related to the humanitarian crisis created as a result of the war, the displaced residents, the destruction of the Armenian religious and cultural heritage in Artsakh.

The Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations thanked the NA Vice President for the reception and detailed presentation of the created situation. Stressing the importance of close cooperation between Armenia and the UN, Miroslav Jenča expressed readiness to continue cooperation and support. It was also noted that the UN is making efforts to maintain peace and stability in the region.

The sides also referred to the process of normalization of Armenia-Turkey relations.

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