Legislative Proposal Aimed at Identifying Cases of Compulsory or Forced Labour
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Article 3 of the Labor Code defines the prohibition of any form of forced labour and violence against employees, but there is no definition of the term compulsory or forced labour in the domestic legislation. It is proposed to define the term “compulsory or forced labour” and the scope of work that is not considered as such, taking into account the requirements of the Constitution, 29 Convention of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms adopted by the Council of Europe. The RA Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Ruben Sargsyan stated, presenting the proposed addenda to the RA Labor Code and related laws.

The legislative package was debated in the first reading at the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs convened on September 6, which was chaired by Heriknaz Tigranyan.

In her co-report, Lilit Stepanyan noted that the nature of compulsory or forced labour will be defined. According to her, the adoption of the initiative will make it possible to provide more targeted assistance based on the provisions of the Law on Human Trafficking and Identification of and Support to Persons Subjected to Trafficking in Human Beings and Exploitation.

The deputies highlighted the proposed addenda from the point of view of protection of labor rights. It was proposed to define the involvement in begging as a type of exploitation.

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