Lilit Stepanyan: Today, women are very active in the development of the country, as well as democracy
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“The involvement of women in various fields, including politics, is important in the development of our country,” a member of the Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs Lilit Stepanyan said during the discussion on the topic The Role of Women in Politics with the representatives of Sose NGO from Lori marz held on October 14. The NA deputy expressed her satisfaction that the women of marzes, in particular border communities, are active in solving intra-community problems.

Alkhas Ghazaryan, a member of the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs, the deputy of the NA Civil Contract Faction, also highlighted the role and importance of women in public life.

The Director of Sose NGO Liana Sahakyan informed that women’s leadership clubs were created in the marzes of the republic within the framework of the program Women Empowerment for Community Engagement, the main goal of which is the development of the capacity and skills of women in rural and urban communities, as well as their involvement in solving community problems.

During the meeting, the guests raised many questions related to education, educational privileges of demobilized youth and other existing problems.

The NA deputies Lilit Stepanyan and Alkhas Ghazaryan referred to all the issues in detail and emphasized that the marzes are different, but the problems are the same.

The guests also got acquainted with the parliamentary activities within the framework of the cognitive visit. They were in the NA museum and library.

It was noted that such meetings will be continuous.

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