Hayk Mamijanyan Speaks About Problems on the NK Conflict at PACE Autumn Session
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At October 14 meeting of PACE Autumn Session the member of the RA NA delegation to PACE Hayk Mamijanyan gave a speech. The Armenian delegate noted:

“Honorable chair, ladies and gentlemen,

On the first day of this session we had a debate about Azerbaijani aggression against Armenia. There is a saying: “Don’t thank for the truth,” but I do have to say thank you for having the courage to speak up the truth. Of course, I mean those who did it in this hemicycle and all others who weren’t deaf to the voices of my people. That type of courage, unfortunately, has become a rare bird in our woods.

But that discussion didn’t involve issues regarding the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. We haven’t spoken about the people who believed that five statements of the world leaders in the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group regarding self-determination of Nagorno Karabakh meant something. People who peacefully lived in their homeland and hoped that words “non-use of force” had power. They were cruelly deceived.

Because of the foolish diplomacy of the current government of Armenia the idea of diversification of Armenian-Azerbaijani relations and Nagorno Karabakh Conflict is becoming reality. World is going to leave small Artsakh alone with Azerbaijan. Unfortunately, that story is not going to end like David and Goliath, and make no mistakes, not because of lack of will to stand up for their future of the people of Artsakh. It won’t end up that way because in the history of international relations conflicts of self-determination never were resolved by the negotiations between the metropolis and the minority. It will end up the same way it ended for the woman who was tortured and killed by the Azerbaijani soldiers. I am not neglecting importance of the issues discussed in these chambers but I do believe that mutilation of a female soldier, who was stripped naked, had a text written on her breast and stomach, a stone placed in her eye socket and a severed finger in her mouth has at least same importance that the discrimination of women in the world of sports we have discussed yesterday. It will end the same way it ended for Armenian soldiers, PoWs captured by Azerbaijani troops and killed just for fun, just because they are Armenians.

I know that some of you are fed up with us speaking about this issue and some of you are horrified by the things I have just said. But if the status of Nagorno Karabakh will be left out of scope of the Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations, be sure that my future speeches about the people of Nagorno Karabakh in PACE will be much more horrifying and maybe even will be written in the past tense.

Dear ladies and gentlemen, if you continue not to speak the truth and neglect what is happening in our region, especially in Nagorno Karabakh, it will be very hard to clear the smile that I saw on a face of the Chair while trying not let me to speak.”