Arnak Avetisyan: Functions of Authorized Body in Privatization and Alienation of Plots of Lands Being Considered as State Property are Specified by Legislative Package
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According to the Chairman of the RA State Property Management Committee Arnak Avetisyan, the adoption of the draft on making Amendment and Addendum in the Land Code of the Republic of Armenia and the package of the enclosed drafts is conditioned by the necessity of specifying the functions of authorized body in privatization and alienation of the plots of lands being considered as state property.

The Chairman of the RA State Property Management Committee noted that at present the alienation of the land in the city of Yerevan carries out the community, which is a motivation for additional administration. Besides, taking into consideration the fact that the alienation process of the lands is carried out by different bodies, it cannot provide the work of the united effective system of the implementation and control of the process, thus, it is proposed to reserve the implementation of the abovementioned processes to the State Property Management Committee.

As the key rapporteur noted, the legal relations emerging in the alienation of built plots of lands of the state property will be regulated by the adoption of the package of the drafts, as well as an opportunity will be given to provide additional monetary entries to the RA state budget.

The member of the NA Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment Protection Aren Mkrtchyan presented the endorsement of the Head Committee.