“Our Relations Should Be Directed to the Future”

On April 7 Artur Baghdasaryan, RA NA President, received the delegation headed by Ambassador Peter Semneby, newly appointed EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus.

During the meeting a wide scale of issues concerning the European Union and Armenia: the relations between European Union and the Republic of Armenia, the development of democracy in Armenia and assistance to the civil society, the organization of pre-election and electoral processes, fighting corruption, legislative changes after the constitutional amendments were discussed. Both sides highlighted the holding of the coming pan-national elections in compliance with democratic standards.

The Ambassador Peter Semneby presented his viewpoints to the NA President on the relations with the European Union, noting that the European Union aims at developing the relations with South Caucasus and Armenia and contribute to the deepening of democracy, which is the basis of the progress. He also noted about the powers of his mandate, within the framework of which he’ll carry out the Special Representative’s mission.

Upon the guest’s request the NA President Artur Baghdasaryan informed in detail about the mentioned problems, emphasizing the importance of the European Union-Armenia relations in the aspect of deepening and developing the democracy. Both sides also highlighted the establishment of peace in the region and the peaceful settlement of the conflicts, where the role of the European Union is great. They noted about the reforms of the Electoral Code, which creates good legislative bases for holding elections in compliance with democratic standards, which is of great importance for the future of Armenia.

During the meeting both sides also touched upon other issues.

Invitation of an Official Visit to the People’s Republic of China
On April 7, Artur Baghdasaryan, RA NA President, received Zuo Xueliang, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of People’s Republic of China to Armenia.The Ambassador extended the invitation of the Chairman of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China to the President of...