Budgetary Bid of RA Ministry of Environment Presented
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In 2023, the RA Ministry of Environment will implement 6 programmes and 30 measures. In 2023, the financing volume by the budgetary draft will be 8 billion 142 million AMD, which is in 2022 more than 6 billion 771 million AMD more by 20.2%.

The RA Minister of Environment Hakob Simidyan presented the budgetary bid of the environment at the joint sitting of the NA Stranding Committees on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs.

6 measures out of 30 are the ones functioning within the framework of the programme Assessment and Monitoring of the Influence on Environment.

The maintenance expenditures of the Ministry compared with the state budget approved in 2022 increased by 17.5%, which is mainly conditioned by the rise of the minimum monthly salary from January 1, 2023. It is designed to obtain computer equipment and property by 7.2 million AMD, and 2.5 million AMD will be for obtaining special equipment.

It is designed to provide 602 million AMD by the programme Implementation of Environmental Programmes in the Communities for 9 affected communities to implement subvention programmes.

1 billion 304 million AMD will be directed to the programme Natural Resources Management and Conservation of Especially Preserving Territories of Nature, which are the maintenance programmes of 6 national parks. 15 million AMD is envisaged for the measure Accounting if Fish and Crab Resources in the Lake Sevan and in Its Catchment Area. The allocation has almost doubled compared with the previous year.

118 million AMD will be allocated for the implementation of the measure aimed at cleaning the waterlogged woodlands of the Lake Sevan. According to the Minister, within the framework of the measure the problems existing on the cleaning work are conditioned by the inconsistencies recorded as a result of work done on the basis of design calculation made before.

4 million AMD is designed for the measure Calculating Animals for Hunting. 7 million AMD is planned by the programmes for the international obligations. 2 billion 679 million AMD is designed to allocate for the measures being implemented by the programme Maintenance of Forests.

350 million AMD is planned to allocate for the maintenance of the State Museum of Nature of Armenia and the Zoological Garden of Yerevan Municipality.

The Chair of the on Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Gevorg Papoyan proposed the participants to pay attention to the result indicators in case of some programmes. According to Gevorg Papoyan, the inclusion of the quantity of illegal deforestations and result indicators fighting against them is expedient on the programme of the maintenance of forest areas.

Hakob Simidyan informed that the draft on creating a service on maintenance of the forests is under circulation in the Government. There is a programme for the solution of the technical equipment service. “I think that at that time we’ll have much more precise data in the aspect of maintenance and recording violations,” the Minister said.

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