It is Proposed to Set Unified Sequence for Air Broadcast of Audiovisual Programmes Included in Public Multiplex
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The deputies Sisak Gabrielyan, Narek Babayan and Hakob Aslanyan propose to set a unified application for the sequence of the broadcast of all audiovisual programmes included in the public multiplex irrespective of the spread area, operator and broadcaster.

At November 15 NA sitting Sisak Gabrielyan detailed in the first reading the regulations being proposed in the law on Audiovisual Media.

It is proposed to broadcast audiovisual programmes included in the public multiplex with the following sequence:

1) The audiovisual programmes of public broadcasters, except the public broadcasters, operating by the slot-use license,

2) The audiovisual programmes of broadcasters that received slot-use license providing republican spread

3) The audiovisual programmes of broadcasters that received slot-use license providing capital spread,

4) The audiovisual programmes of broadcasters that received slot-use license providing marz/regional spread,

5) The public broadcasters that received slot-use license.

6) The audiovisual programmes of broadcasters based on the inter-state contract,

7) The audiovisual programmes of authorized broadcasters

According to Sisak Gabrielyan, the designing regulation is directed to the protection of the rights to the TV companies and ensuring the accessibility of the right to the citizens’ receiving information. “Irrespective of the circumstance that the broadcasting is through the cable operator or public multiplex, all channels should have the same sequence. The citizen will distinctly know on which number is the given channel,” the author said.

“The network operators make decision themselves about the sequence of their TV channels with functioning regulations, and in some cases they are led by their preferences, in some cases – with their political views, because of which the subscribers are ordered from those operators, sequence preferable for the latter, as a result of which the consumers will be able to make use of the broadcaster’ programme same sequence and easily choose the programmes preferable for them,” Hasmik Hakobyan noted presenting the endorsement of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport .

The proposals of the Government are not substantive, they are technical: t he RA Deputy Minister of High-Tech Industry Avet Poghosya n informed about this.

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