It is Designed to Introduce Certification System in the Sphere of Primary (Vocational) and Secondary Professional Education
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The amendments will allow introducing new procedures in the sphere of primary professional (vocational) and secondary professional education, which will be aimed at the employees’ professional development and remuneration interconnection mechanism. The RA Deputy Minister of the Education, Science, Culture and Sport Zhanna Andreasyan said while presenting the draft law on Making Amendments and Addendum to the law on Primary Professional (Vocational) and Secondary Professional Education at the NA sitting on November 15.

According to the Deputy Minister, here it is proposed to use the same approach, which functions in the sphere of general education through certification and categories. The launch of the certification process is planned in 2024.

In case of adopting the amendments and the addendum, legal basis, authorizing norm will be created which will give an opportunity to the competent body of the Government and the state administration of the education to pass legal acts regulating the sphere of the primary professional (vocational) and secondary professional education.

The draft also proposes to design an opportunity for transport compensation for the students and lecturers of the sphere.

In his co-report the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport Sisak Gabrielyan presented the endorsement of the Committee, highlighting the proposing amendments.

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