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Parliamentary Action on Climate Change: Conference in Yerevan
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The National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, as the highest representative institution of the country, is aiming to become a catalyst of foresight. The environmental challenges that clearly affect the climate do not recognize borders and conflict lines, and we should bring all states of the world into close cooperation. On November 25, the NA President Alen Simonyan noted in his speech about this during the opening of the two-day Conference organized for Parliamentarians in the Republic of Armenia in the Parliamentary Action on Climate Change.

While addressing the right to a safe and clean environment, the right to food or the right to health, Alen Simonyan expressed opinion that it is important to act in accordance with the latest developments, since various crises affect and challenge all of us, especially those - most vulnerable among us. “My country is promoting policies aimed at increasing the share of renewable energy in the power generation sector, expand solar generation on the demand side, promote energy savings in all sectors of the economy, including through increasing the supply of high-efficiency equipment in the industrial and buildings sectors and promote eco-friendly vehicles and improve the infrastructure in the transportation sector.” the Speaker of Parliament mentioned.

Underlining especially he trustful and long-lasting partnership with the UNDP Armenia’s Modern Parliament for a Modern Armenia Project, Alen Simonyan highly appreciated the cooperation with the Swedish Parliament and the contribution of the Government of Sweden to the development of the parliamentary model in Armenia․

In their opening remarks the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Sweden to Armenia Patrik Svensson and the UNDP Resident Representative to Armenia Natia Natsvlishvili touched upon the importance and the purpose of holding the Conference.

In the context of Armenia the climate change, the Minister of Environment Hakob Simidyan presented the agenda and the obligations of the climate change of the Republic of Armenia.

As the Minister informed, the elaboration and the implementation of the policy aimed at the solution of the problems of the climate change of the Republic of Armenia. “The cornerstone of the economic policy of the RA Government is the formation of the green and climatically resistant economic system,” the Minister noted, then presented the upcoming programmes and the obligations assumed by a number of agreements of our country on having a system of green economy.

In the Q&A session, the RA NA deputies Lusine Badalyan, Hakob Aslanyan and Matevos Asatryan referred to the role of landscaping in the context of decreasing the air pollution. The necessity of deeper studying the environmental subjects also in the school programmes was also emphasized.

The RA NA deputies gave speeches on the parliamentary oversight in the context of environmental action and climate changes.

The deputy of the NA Armenia Faction Artsvik Minasyan related to the growing influences of the climate change in the context of sustainable development of climate change in Armenia, underlining that at present there is political demand in the world connected with climatic safety.

The deputy of the RA NA Civil Contract Faction Tsovinar Vardanyan presented the parliamentary oversight towards the fulfilment of the obligations related to the climate in Armenia.

According to the deputy, the problem of the climate change refers to the whole world. “The geopolitical developments, except the fact that they cause damage to the environment, also dictate other logic of priorities,” he said.

The Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Gevorg Papoyan related to the financing and budget control aimed at the climate.

During the Conference the Member of the Swedish Parliament, the Member of the Committee on Environment and Agriculture Marléne Lund Kopparklint introduced the experience of the Swedish Parliament in the sphere of control of obligations regarding the climate.

The Conference was organized by the close cooperation of the UNDP Modern Parliament for a Modern Armenia, the UNDP Climate Change Programme and the Gender Sensitive and Based on Risks Global Programme of Sustainable Development of the UNDP Regional Hub in Bangkok and the RA National Assembly.

The aim of the Conference is to present to the participants the latest scientific facts and evidence on the safety risks of climate change, the facts on safety risks connected with the climate in the national favorable environment, as well as their influences and priorities on Armenia.

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