Hayk Mamijanyan Meets with Nicolas Karges
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On November 2 8 at 1 0 : 0 0 in the hall 114 , the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs will take place .

On November 29 at 14:00 in the hall 4 14 the sitting of the Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport will be held.

On November 30 at 12:00 in the hall 414 the sitting of the Standing Committee on Health Care will be held.

The Standing Committee on Defense and Security will convene sitting on December 1 at 15:00 in the hall 414 and on December 2 at 15:00 in hall 414.

On November 30 at 11:00 in the hall 214, the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs will convene a sitting