Proportionate Penalty Mechanisms in Case of Under-fueling
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It was proposed to establish proportionate penalty mechanisms in case of under-fueling in gas stations. The package of draft laws on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Code on Administrative Offences and on Making Addenda to the Law on Trade and Services authored by the deputies Tsovinar Vardanyan and Babken Tunyan was debated in the second reading at the sitting of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs on November 30.

The proposed amendments will provide an opportunity to protect consumers’ rights at a necessary level, as well as the level of transparency of businessmen’s activities will be increased.

During the period between the first and second readings, it was proposed to impose a penalty in cases of failure to comply with the decrees of the head or officer of the inspection body exercising control in the field of ensuring the uniformity of RA measurements after being subjected to administrative responsibility. Editorial amendments were also made.

The revised legislative package was endorsed.

Debate of Package of Draft Laws Postponed Up to Two Months
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According to Legislation, Management of Blocks of Flats to Be Considered Type of Specialized Activity
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Proposal for Out-of-Home Advertising of Pharmaceuticals Postponed
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Edaurd Aghajanyan Meets with Ambassador of France to Armenia
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Draft Statement Authored by NA Armenia Faction is Scheduled to Debate on December 2
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It is Envisaged to Mark Separate Parking Spaces for the Persons with Disabilities
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Working Debate in NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs: CMTPL tariffs will be liberalized from February
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RA Minister of Health: The Procedure of Choosing Family Doctor, Changing the Primary Care Physician by Resident to be Set by Law
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Legislative Initiative Provides Opportunity to Fill Out and Download Applications, Documents for Obtaining Licenses and Permits Electronically
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Tightening of Responsibility in Cases of Non-compliance with Instructions Given by Administrative Act of Inspection Body and Obstruction of Control Functions
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NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Approves Drafts under Debate in the Second Reading
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Initiative Debated in Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs: The executive body is reforming the registration/accounting process in Armenia
“The Government proposes amendments to the Laws on State Registration of Legal Entities, Separated Divisions of Legal Entities, Enterprises and Individual Entrepreneurs and on Limited Liability Companies in order to reform and simplify the registration/accounting procedure in Armenia, as well as to ...