Pupils in Parliament

On April 28 the pupils from secondary school after Muratsan from Tsovagyugh village, Gegharkunik region, were hosted in the Parliament. They met with a group of MPs in the Chamber and had an opportunity to address different questions. Head of RPA faction Galust Sahakyan talked about educational reforms. He said that there should be a distinction before making amendments in this most important sphere, since every amendment affects child and school and consequently affects the future. According to Mr. Sahakyan, the first condition for powerful country is powerful school. The pupils from secondary school after Muratsan from Tsovagyugh village were interested in issues about 12-year educational system, paid and free educational system. Galust Sahakyan clarified that there might be paid colleges or other educational institutions, but next to them there should necessarily exist free education and it is of principal importance for our country.

The MPs Hermine Naghdalyan and Emma Khudabashyan also answered the pupils’ questions. The MPs greeted the pupils’ activity, which is considered to be a precondition for being good citizens. The MPs hope that some of parliament-hosted pupils will become active parliamentarians in future.

Head of NA Information Department Marusya Asatryan told pupils from Tsovagyugh about the parliament activity, functions fixed by Constitution, powers, about legislative work.

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