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Development and Deepening of Cooperation Formed between Armenia, Cyprus and Greece Emphasized
On January 19, the Head of the RA NA Civil Contract Faction, the Chair of the Inter-Parliamentary Committee on Cooperation between the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia and the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus met with the delegation led by the Secretary General of the M...

Seyran Ohanyan: Future of Artsakh is Self-determination, Having Independent Artsakh Republic
I have sent letters to the leaderships of the international all structures, embassies, the countries of the Minsk Group Co-chairmanship, the UN once again presenting the humanitarian and disastrous situation created in Artsakh. Besides, the opposition is in a direct connection with the authorities a...

Artur Hovhannisyan: We Hope That the Russian Peacekeeping Troops and Other Responsible Entities Will Be Able to Force Azerbaijan to Unblock the NK and Open Lachin Corridor
During the parliamentary briefings following the regular sittings of the National Assembly, by the proposal of the Secretary of the Civil Contract Faction Artur Hovhannisyan the attendees honoured with one minute’s the memory of the servicemen fallen because of the fire broken out in one of the mili...

Hayk Mamijanyan: European Parliament Puts in Doubt the Circumstance of Azerbaijani Activists Being Real Activists
At the start of the briefings following the NA sittings, by the proposal of the Head of the NA With Honor Faction Hayk Mamijanyan the attendees honoured with one minute’s the memory of the servicemen fallen because of the fire broken out in the shelter of the engineer sapper company of the N militar...