Message by RA NA President Alen Simonyan on Army Day
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Dear compatriots, officers, devotees of army building and servicemen,

I congratulate you on Army Day of the Republic of Armenia

Since the formation of the Armed Force, the army has registered many successes and lived hard and fatal times. During all this period, our compatriots have been next to the army. It will be hard to find a house, where they do not speak about the servicepersons’ heroic deeds, where holding their breath they do not pray for our boys.

Today, we have hard times for our homeland, and more than ever we need powerful rear, secure and protected border. In this issue we will spare no effort for peace and the improved armed forces. The Armenian army is provided with all necessary means, and the additions aimed at army building are of continuous character.

Thanks to the boys who stand on the border day and night for the defense of our country, thanks to the families waiting for them.

Everlasting memory to the fallen at the origins of the formation of the army, and eternal glory to the brave sons immortalized in the wars.