It is Designed to Boost Cooperation between Armenia and Qatar in the Sphere of Health by Agreement
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The cooperation in the sphere of health with the Government of the State of Qatar is important in terms of the establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation. It will help both sides to develop the cooperation in the organization of the health care, the study and exchange of experience, knowledge, creating direct contacts between health medical institutions, the reforms of the health system, the improvement of the quality of the medical services, the preservation and development of the public health care and in other spheres of bilateral interest.

At February 9 sitting, the RA First Deputy Minister of Health Lena Nanushyan presented for debate the issue on Ratifying the Agreement on Cooperation in the Sphere of Health between the RA Government and the Government of the State of Qatar. It was noted that, as a result of mutual visits the rise of qualification of the specialists, doctors, scientists, doctors, scientists, students of Armenia of the health sphere is expected, which will also boost the development and advancement of the health sphere in Armenia, as well as the rise of the scientific-educational potential and quality of health services.

The Agreement on Cooperation in the sphere of health between Armenia and Qatar was signed on June 13, 2022.

The member of the NA Standing Committee on Health Care Emma Palyan presented the endorsement of the Committee.

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