Committee Endorses Bill on Ratification of Protocol
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Article 5.7 of the Agreement envisages the regular exchange of electronic information between the customs authorities of the EAEU member states and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam based on the electronic system of the EAEU Eurasian Economic Commission, the Deputy Chair of the RA State Revenue Committee Ashot Muradyan said at the regular sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Regional and Eurasian Integration on February 20, The draft law on Ratifying the Protocol on Amending the Protocol on one Hand Implementing Exchange of Information according to Article 5.7 of the Agreement of May 29, 2015 on Free Trade between the of the EAEU and Its Member States and the Customs Bodies of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam between the EAEU Member States and

the Socialist Republic of Vietnam signed on June 29, 2018 was debated.

According to him, the provision of information has the purpose of implementation of administration and regulation of foreign trade. Ashot Muradyan informed that the EAEU Commission will determine opportunity of creating electronic platforms and will ensure the provision of this information.

The Committee endorsed the draft law.

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“In accordance with Article 166.3 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and Article 143.2 of the constitutional law the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, the Supreme Judicial Council proposed the candidacies of Gurgen Malkhasyan, Vigen Kocharyan and Atom Hayrapetyan for electing ...