Ratification of Agreement to Promote Cooperation Between Competent Bodies of RA and RF in field of Information Security
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The aim of the Agreement is to promote cooperation between the competent bodies of Armenia and the Russian Federation (RF) in the field of information security. The First Deputy Minister of the RA High-Tech Industry Gevorg Mantashyan said this at the sitting of the Standing Committee on Defense and Security on February 27, introducing the draft law on Ratifying the Agreement on Cooperation between the RA Government and the RF Government in the Field of Information Security.

With the implementation of the Agreement, it is planned to contribute to the expansion of cooperation between the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation in the field of information security, including the directions of information exchange on threats and their joint countermeasures, information exchange on the legislative field.

According to Gevorg Mantashyan, the parties are cooperating in the field of information security in a number of directions. In particular, the coordination of countermeasures against threats in the field of information security, the exchange of information in the field of law enforcement, the agreement and implementation of the necessary trust measures promoting the provision of information security, and the exchange of information on the legislation of the two states were highlighted.

The co-rapporteur Armen Khachatryan, informing that the Agreement was signed on 19 April 2022, proposed to endorse the draft.

The draft was endorsed.

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