RA NA Delegation to OSCE PA Summarizes Winter Meeting Work During Press Conference
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I would like to give special importance to the fact that we had bilateral meetings within the framework of the Assembly, which were very important and valuable: summarizing the work of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Winter Meeting, the Head of the RA NA delegation to the OSCE PA, the NA deputy of the Civil Contract Faction Sargis Khandanyan said at the press conference held on March 1.

He informed that the NA delegation participated in the OSCE PA Meeting with all members. The MPs met with the U.S. delegation, talked about issues regarding the dynamics and development of Armenia-USA relations, and reflected on the security challenges that threaten the region and Armenia. The Armenian parliamentarians also had meetings with the delegation of the United Kingdom, the OSCE PA President and the Special Representative of the South Caucasus. Among other issues, cooperation within the framework of the Parliamentary Assembly was also discussed.

Sargis Khandanyan informed that the topic of the sittings’ agendas was mainly the ongoing war in Ukraine and its consequences.

Referring to the issue of presentation of Armenian positions on international platforms and the reaction of partners, the Head of the delegation mentioned that not only their opinions are changing, but also international partners are talking about it. “Particularly, during the OSCE PA, the deputies of the United Kingdom, France, and Sweden talked about the closing of the Lachin Corridor. They also expressed their concern in private conversations with us. And no one believes the thesis voiced by Azerbaijan on the international platforms that the Lachin Corridor is not closed, cars are passing and it is possible to transport cargo, etc. It is obvious. In addition to that is the decision of The Hague Court, which once again confirmed the seriousness of the problem,” Sargis Khandanyan noted. He added that they believe and talk about the positions of the Armenian side on international platforms. Responding to the question regarding the peace treaty negotiations, the Head of the delegation mentioned that Armenia has its principal positions, which, by and large, are placed in the context of the protection of Armenia’s sovereignty and independence, as well as non-interference in the internal affairs of our country. “On some specific points, Armenia and Azerbaijan are still unable to reconcile their positions, I think that the negotiators should talk about it. However, we are committed to continuing the negotiations and we hope that the moment will come, and we will have the opportunity to sign a peace treaty with Azerbaijan,” Sargis Khandanyan said.

The parliamentary delegation participated in the Winter Meeting work of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe in Vienna on February 23-24.