Lilit Stepanyan Inquires from Minister about the Programme: Pilot Programme Revelation of War Participants’ Professional Potential Under Implementation
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During the National Assembly-Government Q&A session, the deputy of the NA Civil Contract Faction Lilit Stepanyan addressed a question to the RA Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Narek Mkrtchyan, inquiring the Minister about the meeting held recently in My Step Foundation. The Minister was acquainted with the pilot programme revelation of the war participants’ professional potential in the organization.

“In what efficiency worked the porogramme? How many measures were there? And how many people took part in the programme? the deputy asked.

Narek Mkrtchyan informed that the pilot programme was implemented in Shirak Marz, more than 40 persons out of more than 130 with military disability took part in the programme. The others either were not in Armenia, or were involved in other programmes and activities. An agreement was reached with the Founder Executive Director Mkhitar Hayrapetyan to continue the programme in two other marzes.