Taguhi Tovmasyan Addresses the Ambassadors of the UN Security Council’s Permanent Members: Azerbaijan Hasn’t Obeyed the International Court of Justice’s Order for 12 days
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Azerbaijan hasn’t obeyed the International Court of Justice’s Order for 12 days: The Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs Taguhi Tovmasyan has urgently addressed the Ambassadors of the UN Security Council’s Permanent Members (the United States, China, France, the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom). They should take measures.

Taguhi Tovmasyan reminded that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) delivered its Order on February 22, 2023 and obliged Azerbaijan: pending the final decision in the case of Armenia v. Azerbaijan to take all measures at its disposal to ensure unimpeded movement of persons, vehicles and cargo along the Lachin Corridor in both directions.

The deputy noted that after 12 days since the decision of the UN principal judicial organ, Azerbaijan continues not to obey the ICJ’s order. Moreover, Azerbaijan has launched a new aggression in Artsakh, which is under blockade for 85 days by Azerbaijan։ a sabotage group of the Azerbaijani armed forces targeted and fired a shift car with servicemen of the Passport and Visa Department of the Police Service yesterday, as a consequence of which 3 police officers of Artsakh were killed.

In accordance with the Article 59 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, the Decision of the Court has binding force for the parties and in respect of that particular case. Article 60 envisages that the judgement is final and without appeal.

Taking into consideration the above mentioned, as well the possibilities of control of the UN Security Council (SC) on the implementation of the ICJ’s order, I have urgently addressed the Ambassadors of the UN SC Permanent Members in order that they publicly refer to the matter, show consistency and introduce our concerns to the UN SC Permanent Member States with a view to achieving the implementation of ICJ’s decision on indicating interim measures.

Taguhi Tovmasyan, at the same time, has requested for an assessment of the terrorism committed by Azerbaijan yesterday, as a consequence of which we have people killed.

“Up to now only France has referred to the necessity for implementing the ICJ’s order coming up with a special call,” the Committee Chair mentioned.

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