Issues on Draft Amendments of Labor Code Discussed
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On March 2, the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs Heriknaz Tigranyan met with the representatives of the Investment Council (IC) of Armenia. The current and upcoming works of the draft amendments being designed in the Labor Code were discussed.

The legal consequences in case of delay or non-payment of the salary by the employer, the necessity of reviewing the legal regulations regarding the administrative responsibility, as well as the package on remote work revised recently and a number of other issues were also discussed.

An agreement of further cooperation was reached.

NA President’s statement on nominating candidates for vacant position of judge of Court of Cassation
“In accordance with Article 166.3 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and Article 143.2 of the constitutional law the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, the Supreme Judicial Council proposed the candidacies of Gurgen Malkhasyan, Vigen Kocharyan and Atom Hayrapetyan for electing ...