Foreign Minister Presents Performance of Government Programme for 2022: Issues of establishment of peace and stability in the region continues to remain a key one for foreign policy of Armenia
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In 2022, the problems referred establishment of peace and stability in the region, to the regulation of the relations through peaceful negotiations with the neighbouring countries and the formation of the security environment around the Republic of Armenia continued remaining a key one for the foreign policy of Armenia.

Negotiations were resumed with Azerbaijan in all directions: regulation of the relations and appropriate treaty, demarcation and border security process, unblocking of all ways of transport and economic communication of the region. The RA Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan said about this at March 24 extraordinary sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations, submitting for debate the section of the sphere of foreign relations of the report on Procedure and Results of 2022 of Government programme of the Republic of Armenia.

Ararat Mirzoyan informed that in 2022, a number of meetings took place in all directions with the RA Prime Minister’s participation in trilateral and quadrilateral format. Meetings were also held with the RA Foreign Minister’s participation.

During the reporting year, steps have been taken in deepening relations with the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair states; the Russian Federation, the United States of America and the Republic of France. Large-scale works have been implemented in deepening relations with Georgia, Iran, Turkey, as well as the European Union and the EU member states, India, China and all other partner states.

The deputy of the Armenia Faction Agnesa Khamoyan inquired from the Foreign Minister about the peace treaty, asking if there is an issue, around which it was possible to come to conclusion and by whose mediation the exchanges of proposals of peace treaty take place.

Ararat Mirzoyan informed that until now 4 Azerbaijani and until now 3 Armenian documents were presented. The Armenian side received the last one and had not yet formulated its response.

“Non-ideal, but mutually acceptable formulations on numerous issues were succeeded to find. In fact, I even would not measure, how many are by the Azerbaijani proposal, and how many by the Armenian one. It means, discussions, exchanges of ideas have been, some compromise texts were formulated. Unfortunately, it refers to issues of not main, not of key or of first importance. The issues of all first importance are still at the stage of discussions, and in their main part, I will not hesitate saying that the positions of the side are rather far from each other,” Ararat Mirzoyan said. The Minister clarified that in all numerous issues it was possible to reach a compromise in case of numerous other issues, other sentences and ideas.

The Foreign Minister also informed that in this negotiation process there is no mediation, Armenia informs about the negotiations going on around the treaty, particularly the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair three countries. Ararat Mirsoyan invited Agnesa Khamoyan to the Foreign Ministry to get acquainted with the negotiations.

In the context of Armenia-Azerbaijan relationship, the Foreign Minister noted: Unfortunately, despite the constructive efforts being taken by Armenia, Azerbaijan continued showing its deconstructive posture on the essential issues, the aggressive rhetoric and the expansionist actions. As a consequence of September aggression, Azerbaijan occupied 150km2 territory, carried out permanent provocative and aggressive actions on the border of the Republic of Armenia and in Nagorno Karabakh, illegally blocked the Lachin Corridor, causing humanitarian crisis in Artsakh, holds hostage Armenian prisoners of war and the civilians.”

The Committee took a note of the report.