NA Speaker Presents His Resignation

At May 22 the sitting of the parliament began with announcements. Artur Baghdasaryan, the NA Speaker declared that 11 MPs, Sayad Zakharyan, Eduard Gabrielyan, Aleksan Petrosyan,  Grigor Margaryan , Arshak Mkhitaryan, Artak Sargsyan, Melik Manoukyan, Samvel Shahgaldyan, Mekhak Mkhitaryan, Arkadi Hambardzoumyan, Tigran Yeganyan  submitted an application for leaving the coalition. It was declared that by the decision of the faction Levon Mkrtchyan, who оn the occasion of the appointment as Minister of Education and Science, will be replaced by Hrayr Karapetyan, as the head of ARF faction.

Artur Baghdasaryan, the Head of Parliament, followed by the Article 20 of the National Assembly Rules of Procedure, made a statement on his resignation as the NA Speaker. In his speech he said: “Dear deputies, journalists and members of the staff I would like to thank all of you for three years of work. I have already met with the representatives of the staff on Friday and expressed my gratitude them. Today, I want to thank the MPs free of their displayed attitude in connection with the latest political developments. I can surely say that these three years, during which we worked together were the years of progress, me being the NA Speaker, tried to continue my predecessors’ good traditions. I think that we could raise the political authority of the Parliament both in our country as well as outside of its borders during these three years of our joint work. The Parliament became more open body for various layers of the society, the councils affiliated with the NA Speaker carried out rather effective activities, as a result of which, representatives of different social layers, doctors, of the coalition or the quit of “Orinats Yerkir” Party from the coalition. Because we proclaimed that being in power means to undertake responsibility and carry out those programs, which we declared before elections. So going to the elections we presented pre-electoral programme to people. Going to the elections we said: “People, if you vote for us we shall do that, that and so on.” We tried to live and work this during these three years in this chamber. In the case of drafts which contradicted interests of each people, and those were numerous, we tried to act, bringing our approaches, our positions, our ideas, concerning the development of Armenia. I said about those disagreements, which we have with our political colleagues in my last public speech. Those disagreements have sufficiently deepened. We saythat the path which we passed was the pathway of our truth and now we are going on our dreamed way to build Armenia, which according to our political team, is the right way for the future of Armenia. We consider that the democratic reforms in Armenia should be strived ahead more resolutely that the protection of human rights and the fight against corruption and clan economy should be declared as a political priority, and political serious fight should be strived against the patronage, “the hand washed another hand” disgraceful policy and other phenomena. Everything could be understood in within its measure, but everything, done beyond measure, sense, border and logic we can’t protect. We consider that the democracy and freedom, but not the fear society must be the political future of the Republic of Armenia. Sociological surveys carried out recently have shown that 70 % Armenians are frightened.Yes, we shall fight against the fear society and for independent society, consistent deepening of social-economic reforms in internal life. All of you heard Vladimir Putin’s speech. He said that 77 million people will remain in Russia in 2050. In conditions of natural growth and death rate 500 thousand persons will remain in Armenia by 2050 if anyone doesn’t go abroad for earning money.And now we are talking that young families need state assistance, that the state should stimulate material assistance for every born child: we were said that it is populism. It is not populism. It is our way and our idea of the development of the native land.We consider that social-economic reforms must go ahead more resolutely. Being in power we tried to bring our approaches, many positive things were done within these three years, but there are a lot of things that haven’t been done in a proper way. They didn’t share our approaches about deposits and other various problems too often. Today we say, yes, we follow our own route. And we are sure that we together with you should not build two Armenias: Yerevan and regions: poor conditions of border settlements and sad situation of the disaster zone. Today, are we speaking about it? No, we are not speaking about it today. Assuming as a basis the proposals of my friends, I am going to publish the collection of my speeches about what I said and when for people to read and compare. And the third, connected with the foreign political course of the country. We consider that the consistent deepening of the relations with the EU must become political goal, that the deepening of Euro Atlantic cooperation really is the most important and right approach for our future that we must deepen Armenian-American political-economic cooperation. We shouldn’t become the indicator of the Russian-American relations. We have two ways: to be in the structure of Russia-Belarus Union and be in good relations with EU or to be in the EU structure and have normal relations with Russia. We’re in favour of the second way. We are not saying about it today, we always say about it during our political activity. Frankly I thank everyone for the joint work, the deputies of all factions and group. We are going our route of struggle. We shall criticize from the most radical position any omission, any wrong step, it doesn’t matter made by whom: by the President of the Republic, Government, any political structure or power.At the same time whether it we’ll be opposition or power we’ll be next to you if you make good thing, if you make a fair thing for the native land we shall help and assist you. I hope that our parliament will continue its effective, law-making activity and we, with our initiative posture, shall assist to the effective implementation of that activity.”

The resignations of the "Orinats Yerkir" faction deputies Mher Shahgeldyan and Gagik Mkheyan as the Chairs of the Committees followed the resignation of the NA Speaker. They also thanked their colleagues for the joint work and passed path, expressing readiness to grant their benefit in the assistance of the development of the country, to actively participate in the law-making activity in future. Passing to the deliberations of the issues of the NA Rules of Procedure.

Tigran Torosyan, NA Vice President, presented the proposed addenda of the draft agenda of the seventh session and the drafts of the four-day draft agenda, also to postpone some issues and discuss them in special order. Before the endorsement of the four-day agenda, the MPs, through the questions, addressed to the Vice President and speeches, raised various questions, the great part of which related to the Speaker’s resignation. Some of the MPs think the last events connected with the party “Orinats Yerkir,” as negative and dangerous. Some MPs expressed loudly their desire to speak more detailed about fear atmosphere, mentioned by the NA Speaker. Some of them criticized “Orinats Yerkir,” saying that the latter, speaking about election riggings, avoid naming the main election riggers. Instead to put the matter for confidence vote the position of the Speaker’s resignation according to the political decision also wasn’t accepted in the same way with all the MPs.

Taking the opportunity, which gives the National Assembly Rules of Procedure, Artur Baghdasaryan responded to the MPs’ sounded intentions. He stated once more that they quitted the coalition by the political decision, and in case of putting the matter for confidence vote he would be accused for the “chair worshipping.”

The Speaker’s resignation will be approved when he reaffirms it after five working days.

Viktor Dallakyan, the secretary of   "Justice" faction, proposed to organize the collection of signatures for convening an extraordinary session on June 12 and setting up an NA Ad-hoc Committee on Investigating the Government activity in the Sphere of Civil Aviation.

After the endorsement of the agenda the MPs began the debates of judicial-legal issues. The conclusion on all the mentioned issues of the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs was positive.

The parliament was proposed to adopt the drafts in the second reading on Making Amendments and Addendum to ”Criminal Code,” on Making Amendments and Addendum to the Law on “Civil Status Acts,” on Making Amendments on “Land Code” and “On the Repressed.”

Mnatsakan Petrosyan, the MP of the "United Labour Party"(ULP) faction, presented his draft on Making Amendment to the law on “Fixed Payments for Tobacco Production.”

Voluntary Protocol of the Convention “On Liquidation of All Kinds of Discrimination Towards Women” was presented to the ratification of the parliament.