It is designed to comply the rendering postal services with the internationally accepted standards
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It is proposed by the draft to write down the notions with new edition. 19 new notions were particularly set, 18 notions were written down with new edition, which were complied with the Acts of the Universal Postal Union and the European Union Postal Directive. The principles of the activity in the sphere of postal communication were edited, the kinds of the activities in the sphere of postal communication were specified, the scope of the postal communication universal services with new edition, the standards of the quality rendering the postal communication universal services and provisions regarding its control were set. Relevant legal bases for the adoption of sub-legislative normative or legal acts of other character were established.

It is also proposed to amend the on the term of set for the study of the tariff review bid of rendering the postal communication universal services by the Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) and making decision. The 90-day term in force is replaced by 80 working days.

The RA Deputy Minister of High-Tech Industry Davit Sahakyan said about this, presenting for debate in the first reading the legislative initiative on Making Amendments and Addenda to the law on Postal Communication and on Special Delivery of Documents.

In response to the question pf Armen Khachatryan, what result is expected after these amendments, as the dissatisfactions from the sphere are many, Davit Sahakyan informed that as a result of amendments, the rendering postal services should be complied with the internationally accepted standards. The concept of the development of the postal services’ sphere and the new strategy of the Haypost development is under revision. In the frameworks of those programmes digitalization, of postal services, improvement and optimization of postal department network is envisaged.

The Secretary of the Armenia Faction Artsvik Minasyan inquired about the review of the tariffs of the postal services. Davit Sahakyan informed that as a result of the adoption of the proposing amendments review of tariffs is envisaged. “We don’t think that those tariffs will be increased. The optimization will result in decrease,” the Deputy Minister said.

The NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs endorsed the package of drafts.

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