RA Deputy Minister of Economy: Government proposes to remove notification requirement for some types of activities
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The Government proposes to remove the notification requirement for some types of activities. As a result, the entrepreneurs dealing with them will no longer be obliged to submit a corresponding notification and pay a state fee: the RA Deputy Minister of Economy Ani Ispiryan stated about this at April 26 sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs.

The Executive presented the package of drafts on Making Amendments and Addendum to the RA law on Notification of the Implementation of Activity and on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA law on State Duty to the Committee for debate in the second reading.

The notification requirement and the necessity to pay the corresponding state duty for the sale and import of bottled brandy over 100,000 liters will also be removed from the mandatory notification list.

The types of production activity of whiskeys, rum, gin, other alcohol tinctures and other beverages containing up to 22% alcohol will be combined and 3.0 million AMD annual state tax will be set for acquiring the right to be engaged in the production process.

Ani Ispiryan mentioned that after the first reading, the Government presented editorial proposals, as well as proposals regarding the later entry into force of some laws, which were adopted.

The Committee members expressed their support for the legislative initiative and endorsed it.

The Deputy Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Babken Tunyan informed his colleagues that in the near future, with the participation of the concerned parties, working debates on building permits and with those engaged in small and medium enterprises are planned.

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