Taguhi Tovmasyan Has a Number of Meetings Within the Frames of the Working Visit to Brussels
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Within the frames of the working visit to Brussels the Chair of the Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs Taguhi Tovmasyan with the Committee S taff had me e t ings with the Head of Division at European External Action Service - EEAS Dorota Dlouchi-Suliga and her staff , the Head of the Delegation on Relations with the South Caucasus Marina Kaljurand, the Permanent Rapporteur on Armenian Affairs of the European Union Andrey Kovatchev, the Head of the Human Rights Division of the European External Action Service – EEAS Luisa Ragher and the Political Advisor to the EU Special Representative for Human Rights Ognyan Karastamatov.

The Committee Chair present ed to her colleagues the most important issues related to the security challenges of Armenia and Artsakh, the gross violations of International Law by Azerbaijan, the border tension, and the checkpoint illegally installed by Azerbaijan in Artsakh.

Taguhi Tovmasyan emphasized that as a result of the complete blockade of Artsakh by Azerbaijan, 120.000 Armenians live in the status of hostages in Artsakh, and are deprived of their rights to life, free movement, health and education, which are guaranteed by a number of international conventions and documents. She noted that the international recognition of the right to self-determination of the Armenians of Artsakh has become an urgent necessity in this situation, which will provide an opportunity to save the lives of 120,000 people under blockade.

The deputy mentioned, among other things . about the shootings of Azerbaijanis in the direction of Sotk, as a result of which 800 employees of Sotk were forced to be idle for more than one week.

The Chair of the Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs also spoke about the current democratic situation in Armenia, pointing out the continuously violated rights of people.

The participants of the meetings touched upon all most important topics, on which the Staff of the Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs regularly prepares reports and sends to all international colleagues.

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