Artur Khachatryan: Wherever the negotiations take place, much depends on the negotiator
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It is obvious that the Prosecutor General’s Office, as the most expressed structure of the political majority of today’s power, clearly adopted double standards, and in that double standard the part, which does not share the viewpoint of these authorities always suffers. The Prosecutor General’s Office with its daily behavior, as well as the whole law enforcement system serve to today’s political power, even legitimizing the illegal behavior. On May 4, during the briefings following the NA sittings, the Secretary of the RA NA Armenia Faction Artsvik Minasyan said about this, touching upon the RA Prosecutor General’s annual report.

Speaking about National Assembly-Government Q&A session, Artsvik Minasyan noted that it was unprecedented with its duration, where viewpoints, which were absolutely not acceptable for the RA NA Armenia Faction, sounded.

Talking about the settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani relations, Artur Khachatryan said: “The thing that any concession brings new claims, is evident, I don’t want to go to very far history: remember, when the Azerbaijanis closed the Lachin Corridor. First claim: Kashen mine, the mine was closed, and? Was that blockade lifted? Afterwards, Ruben Vardanyan’s resignation, Ruben Vardanyan was resigned, and…? That is, this is Turkish policy, this is Turkish-Azerbaijani essence, additional claims, additional pressures, as much you rebound, go back, so much they become impertinent, so much they present demands.”

Touching upon the statement made by the President of Azerbaijan that Armenia and Azerbaijan can come to an agreement, if the negotiations will be held without mediators, the MP noted that Azerbaijan always was forcing that approach, and Nikol Pashinyan accepted the rules of that game in 2018.

In response to the question How successful the USA will be preventing the ambitions of Azerbaijan and sign pro-Armenian document, Artur Khachatryan mentioned that wherever the negotiations take place, and who will mediate, much depends from the negotiator.

According to him, no mediator can be more Armenian, than the power of Armenia and try much more defend the interests of Armenia. “if you don’t defend your interests, and the one opposite you is aggressive and does not hide the animosity towards you, that person goes forward,” Artur Khachatryan said.

“Aliyev, unlike many members of the Civil Contract Faction, including Nikol Pashinyan, knows much more that the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan does not include the Artsakh Republic, the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, and for that he proposes the second claim,” Artsvik Minasyan said, adding: “That is, the international community understands that very well. In all statements of the same OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs, before the manifestation of this behavior of these authorities everybody spoke about the self-determination of Artsakh. And even Declaration of Alma-Ata, which Nikol Pashinyan and Ilham Aliyev made reference to, the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh does not include in Azerbaijan in any way.”

According to Artsvik Minasyan, Nikol Pashinyan all the time makes reference to November 9 document, where it’s written that at least in this part of Artsakh the peacekeepers of the Russian Federation have decisive role. “Now, a question arises that if you speak about the people, security of Nagorno Karabakh or by their logic, all rights, and where is one of the main guarantors, the Russian Federation? You are sitting and talking to each other about the right of people, and the side that also shall ensure the protection of rights on the substantive ground, why doesn’t it take part in that process? These are questions which bring to a conclusion that any behavior by Nikol Pashinyan which is directed to establishing any relation directly with Azerbaijan, pushes out the international format which is fundamental from the viewpoint of the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh problem. That is the OSCE Minsk Group format,” Artsvik Minasyan said.

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