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Debates of the 2005 Budget Execution Continue at the National Assembly

On June 6, during the joint sitting of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs and on Financial-Credit, Budgetary and Economic Affairs the issues of financing the state, local self-government and judicial bodies with the state budget were debated.

Atom Janjughazyan, the Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy, Chief Treasurer informed that in the state budget the expenditures of legislative bodies and state governance for the current period have been 7.8bn, which is 99.4% of the anticipated expenditures. In comparison with the previous year the expenditures have increased by 10% conditioned by the increase of salary, representative and capital expenditures. It was informed that the expenditures of state financial governance for the current period have been around 12bn drams, the financial governance allocations of the state budget have been executed by 98.3%. According to Mr. Janjughazyan, 110 m drams from the government reserve fund has been allocated to the staff of the RA President and around 16.5 m drams have been allocated for the realization of the foreign policy. From the 2bn 129.7 m drams anticipated for the financing of the Parliament 99.94% has been executed. 1bn 826 m drams has been anticipated for the activity of NA staff and deputies, 121.9 m drams for the NA Control Chamber, 4.9bn drams for the realization of the foreign policy. Touching upon the 4bn 384 m drams anticipated for the staff of the Government for the current year the Chief Treasurer assured that a 100% financing has been provided for the maintenance of the machinery and repair of administrative facilities. From the reserve fund 916 m drams have been allocated to the staff of the Government and 294 m drams for the implementation of foreign policy.With the support of the World Bank a big volume of works have been done in the scientific and educational spheres. 50 m drams have been allocated to the repair of the schools of Javakhk and the 40 m drams anticipated for the repair of educational facilities have been fully provided. Around 5.1bn drams from the budget of 2005 has been allocated to the maintenance of the judicial system, which is 97.5% of execution. The deviation is mainly conditioned by the under execution of the judicial legal reforms program carried out with the support of the World Bank. Within the scope of this program 1.8bn drams has been spent. In comparison with the previous year the financing of the judicial activity has augmented by 7.8% or 369.4 m drams. Atom Janjughazyan emphasized that 207.7 m drams from the budget has been anticipated for the Constitutional Court, which has been executed by 99.89%. 97.53% of the 6.1bn drams anticipated for the programs of the Ministry of Justice has been allocated to the maintenance of the machinery, procurement of expert examination services and registering the acts of civil statuses. The 3.2bn drams anticipated for the maintenance of the criminal-executive system has been fully provided. In the sphere of the judicial-legal reforms a 93.63% execution has been recorded, which has been financed with the support of the World Bank. The 95.96% execution of the 106.5 m drams anticipated for the staff of the Human Rights Defender results from economies. The financing of the Central Electoral Committee has actually been 303.3 m drams against 310 m drams and the execution of the public television and radio company machinery maintenance expenditures has been 100%. It has been informed that a low execution has been recorded for the retraining of civil servers: 9.4 m drams have been executed against 14.2 m drams. In the sphere of special general education 91.32% of the 115.8 m drams has been executed. Armen Gevorgyan, Chief of Staff of the Armenian President's Office mentioned that the amount allocated for the maintenance of the machinery including the allocations of the reserve fund has been 2bn 245 m drams, which is 99% of execution.

Hayk Kotanyan, Chief of the Staff of the National Assembly, emphasized that the 1bn 915 m drams anticipated for the parliament machinery maintenance have been executed by 1bn 826 m drams. According to Mr. Kotanyan, 131 m drams has been allocated for the repair works, which has been executed by 100%. He mentioned that the change of articles is in conformity with the law on budget. The Chief of the NA Staff assured that that there are no over expenditures and all the programs have been completely executed.

Manuk Topuzyan, Minister, Chief of Staff of the RA Government said that the financial means allocated to the government have contributed to its normal activity.

Vache Terteryan, Deputy Minister of the Territorial Administration informed that that the transfer payments to the local self-government bodies have been completely financed. They are worth of 14.9bn drams and exceed the allocations of the previous year by 39.1%. The donations allocated to the self-government bodies for financial leveling have been 13.8bn drams and have exceeded the allocations of the previous year by 28.6%.

Garegin Azaryan, the Chairman of the Central Electoral Committee informed that the expenditures of the elections and referendums of 2005 have been 303.3 m drams, which is 97.9% of the program.

Kamo Areyan, the Deputy Mayor of Yerevan informed that the expenditures of machinery maintenance of the Yerevan Municipality anticipated by the budget of 2005 have 259.535 drams, which has been completely executed. The donation allocated to the 12 communities if Yerevan according to the financial leveling principle has been 4bn 684 m drams, which also has been executed at 100%. Mr. Areyan said that the allocation worth 21.346 m drams for education, culture and transport has been completely executed. There are no article changes.

The representatives of regional councils presented to the members of the Parliament the budget allocations to the regional councils. 129.405.50 thousand drams has been allocated to the region of Aragatsotn, 135.171.50 thousand drams to the region of Ararat, 129.909.000 thousand drams to the region of Gegharkunik, 166.459.50 thousand drams to the region of Lori, 141.168.10 thousand drams to the region of Kotayk, 182.066.70 thousand drams to the region of Shirak, 140.590.40 thousand drams to the region of Syunik, 116.503.90 thousand drams to the region of Vayots Dzor, 117.396.90 thousand drams to the region of Tavush.

Zaven Chopuryan, representative of the Constitutional Court, Ashot Abovyan, Deputy Minister of Justice, Gagik Jhangiryan, Deputy Chief Prosecutor Aleksan Harutyunyan, Chairman of the RA National Radio and Television Council, Robert Nazaryan, Chairman of the Committee Regulating Public Services, Ashot Shahnazaryan, Chairman of the RA Committee on Defense of Economic Competition, Manvel Badalyan, Chairman of RA Civil Service Council, Artem Harutyunyan, representative of the Human Rights Defender Staff and Grigor Amalyan, Chairman of the National Committee on Television and Radio had speeches during the sitting and presented the structure of expenditures of relevant spheres.

During the joint sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and on Financial-Credit, Budgetary and Economic Affairs the report of execution of the RA law On 2005 RA Budget was debated in terms of financing the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs and membership payments to the international organizations.

Atom Janjughazyan, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Finance and Economy, Chief Treasurer mentioned that the expenditures of foreign political activity have been 9.5bn drams, which is 97.7% of the anticipated amount and the main part of which has been directed to the maintenance of RA embassies and representative offices (4.1bn drams), to the membership payments of international organizations (1.1bn drams) and to the liquidation of RA membership liabilities towards international financial organizations (1.7bn AMD). The other programs of foreign political activity have been financed with the anticipated volume. An exception is the program of procurement of a building in Gyumri for the Consulate of the Russian Federation. 187.9 m drams has been anticipated for the program but the purchase has not been done. In comparison with 2004 there has been an increase of foreign political activity expenditures by 50.4% or 3.2bn drams.

The 2005 budget anticipated 6bn 141 m drams for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs but which has been adjusted to 7bn 101 m drams during the year. Actually 6bn 887 m drams have been spent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is and execution of 97%. 111.7 m drams has been anticipated for the State Protocol Service, which has been completely executed.

Gegham Gharibjanyan, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs mentioned with satisfaction that during the last two years the National Assembly and the Government have an emphasized attitude towards the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which greatly contributes to their work.

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