It is also proposed with legislative initiative to define an opportunity of medical examination for the serving judges
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It is proposed by the draft law on Making Amendments and Addendum to the constitutional law the RA Judicial Code authored by the Government to make the list of physical defects and illnesses applicable also for judges in office, as well as to design an opportunity for implementation of medical examination.

The key rapporteur, the RA Deputy Minister of Health Armen Nazaryan noted that there is no reference in the Code in force to the order of the implementation of the appointed judges’ medical examination, because of which practically difficulties arise in organizing the process.

According to the Deputy Minister, the power of defining the order of implementation of medical examination for the judge, the pretender of the judge’s candidate and the judge’s candidate. Legislative basis will also be created within the framework of the addenda being made for the adoption of the relevant order by the authorized body.

As the key rapporteur assured, in the process of organizing medical examination they design involvement of the authorized body – the Ministry of Health. In the mentioned conditions the function of the Ministry of Health is restricted passing the application to the relevant medical organization. To organize the process quicker and to prevent unnecessary mediation an application is envisaged to submit by the Chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council immediately to the relevant medical institution.

According to Armen Nazaryan, legislative basis will be set by the adoption of the draft for accepting the implementation order of medical examination. Besides, necessary compliance will be carried out on the notions being used in the sphere of health.

The co-rapporteur, the member of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Arpine Davoyan presented the endorsement of the Head Committee and emphasized the adoption of the draft.