Chairman of State Property Management Committee: Funds received from privatization amount to 845.281 AMD
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The Chairman of the State Property Management Committee Arnak Avetisyan presented the draft law on approving the 2022 annual report on the implementation of the 2017-2020 programme of privatization of state property for consideration by Parliament. It was mentioned that during the financial period, the state share of two of the organizations provided for in the programme was privatized.

During the financial year, 845.281 thousand AMD were deposited into the state and municipal budgets from the funds received from privatization, which is 208% higher than the same index of the previous year. During the financial period, Armenicum and Her-Her hydroelectric power station CJSCs were also included in the programme: preparatory works for privatization are being carried out in this direction.

The Standing Committee on Economic Affairs endorsed the bill: this was stated by Narek Ghahramanyan.