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On the Eve of the Plenary Session of the PABSEC General Assembly

On June 6 in the National Assembly the 34th session of PABSEC Bureau was held, which was presiding Tigran Torosyan, NA President, PABSEC President.

Mr. Torosyan, welcoming the session participants and wishing effective work, introduced the agenda of the 34th session of PABSEC Bureau.

The Bureau members approved the agenda comprised of 12 clauses: the protocol of the 34th session of PABSEC Bureau, the working procedure of the PABSEC 27th plenary session, the procedural issues of the PABSEC 27th plenary session, the participation of the PABSEC representatives in the international different events during 2006 from June-November period, financial issues, which introduced Konstantinos Agorastos, Vice-President of the PABSEC, the report of PABSEC activity. The draft agenda of the PABSEC 27th session Standing Committee, the draft agenda of the 27th plenary session of the PABSEC General Assembly, the venue, day and agenda of the 34th session of PABSEC Bureau, as well as other issues.

Then the 27th session of the PABSEC Standing Committee was held, where the session agenda was adopted, the works of the 26th session of the Standing Committee held in Tirana on November 23-24, 2005 were approved.

The issue of the new mandates was discussed: parliamentary elections were held after 2005 autumn session in Ukraine and Azerbaijan, as a result of which some MPs of the Assembly members laid down their mandates in connection with undertaking other posts and replaced with new MPs. Some changes were made in the delegation composition of Greece, Romania and Russian Federation.

The Committee also heard the reports of BSEC representatives participated in the international different events from 2005 November till 2006 June.

The activities during the period after the previous session of the Assembly, the process of the budget payments, the 2007 BSEC budget draft were discussed.

Konstantinos Agorastos, Vice-President of the PABSEC, Deputy Chair of the BSEC Commercial, Technological and Environmental Affairs Committee informed that it was unanimously decided held in Tirana on November 24, 2005 to accept the budget payment 1 euro instead of functioning USD before that.

Tigran Torosyan, Presiding President, President of the National Assembly informed that the 28th autumn session of the Parliamentary Assembly will be held on November 21, 2006 in Baku and thanked the Azeri delegation for the invitation.

In June 6 the special session of the PABSEC Economic, Commercial, Technological and Environmental Affairs Committee was held presiding by Mr. Andian-Sirojea Mihei, Vice-Chairman of the Committee. On the agenda was the draft assignment on “The Cooperation in the Black Sea Region Fight Against Bird Flu.” It was put into circulation on the initiative of Davit Saganelidze, Vice-Chairman of the Committee, delegate of Georgia - this year at the 26th session of the Economic, Commercial, Technological and Environmental Affairs held in Bucharest. MR. Mircea Ciopraga, member of the Romanian delegation introduced the draft assignment at the special session. In the document it is noted that PABSEC is aware of the bird flu spreading danger and observe as a precondition of the success of the effective fight against bird flu the cooperation of the Black Sea Region countries. The steps taken for the creation of the special governmental commissions for functioning operative and effective in case of and international center of studying bird flu in Romania epidemics is evaluated positive by the draft. In this process, according to the submitted document, the role of the national parliaments is highlighted. Taking into account all this, the Parliamentary Assembly assigns the parliaments and governments of the BSEC member-countries to provide the population with the information about the real danger of the bird flu, call on for following the rules of the fight against bird flu, deepen the cooperation with a number of organizations, provide experience in member-countries and exchange of human sources, evaluate the economic consequences of the bird flu. It is recommended to discuss this assignment in the Council of BSEC Foreign Ministers.

The document was adopted in the Committee by the majority of the votes.

RA NA President Alen Simonyan visits Yerablur
The RA NA President Alen Simonyan, along with the President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan, the deputies of the NA Civil Contract Faction and other high-ranking officials, visited the Yerablur military pantheon and paid tribute to the memory of those who died in the 44-day war.They laid flowers...

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