Deputy Minister of Economy presents budget 2022 execution report in field of agriculture
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The effective use of the resource potential of agriculture, increasing the level of food safety, introducing advanced technologies, increasing the level of agricultural intensification, mitigating climatic risks and increasing the incomes of entities have been set as the main priorities in the development policy of the intra-agricultural system. The RA Deputy Minister of Economy Arman Khojoyan said this.

According to the Deputy Minister, in 2022, the Ministry implemented 8 programmes, 41 measures in the field of agriculture, the total budget was 39.5 billion AMD. The performance of the programmes was 96%, 37.9 billion AMD was spent in total.

On June 6, the sectoral report on the RA 2022 state budget execution was debated at the joint sitting of the Standing Committees on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment Protection and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs.

According to the Statistical Committee, in 2022 the gross output of agriculture, forestry and fishing increased by 1.6%.

In 2022, the production of food and beverages at comparable prices amounted to 830.2 billion AMD, which increased by 5.9% compared to the same period last year.

Arman Khojoyan presented the programmes for the implementation of which funds were allocated in the 2022 state budget in detail.

The Deputy Minister answered the deputies’ questions, presented details and clarifications regarding a number of implemented programmes, subsidies for autumn crops.

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