NA factions express their views on issue of approving annual report on RA state budget 2022 performance
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According to the Head of Armenia Faction Seyran Ohanyan, although according to some colleagues who gave a speech, the performance of the 2022 budget is encouraging, nevertheless, that year was a year of failures in terms of security. The Head of the Faction considered it important that first of all, the citizens on the frontline should be safe, and not the state officials. Seyran Ohanyan responded to the criticisms voiced by the colleagues of the ruling Faction, touching upon the issue of army building under the previous authorities. In this context, the former Minister of Defense underlined that he has always supported and will support the RA army.

The Head of the Faction stated that Armenia Faction will vote against the performance of the 2022 state budget.

The Head of the Civil Contract Faction Hayk Konjoryan touched upon the opinions voiced by the opposition colleagues, in particular, Seyran Ohanyan, countering them and pointing out the mistakes of the previous authorities, which led to war and defeat. The Head of the Faction urged the opposition colleagues to return to the field of cooperative work.

Hayk Konjoryan said that the Civil Contract Faction endorses the performance of the state budget and will vote for it. “The Civil Contract Faction is the political support of the Government. Being elected by the RA people, our Faction will continue to fulfill the mission that the citizens of Armenia have assigned to us in this citadel of democracy,” the Head of the Faction said, summing up his speech.

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