RA female citizens to have opportunity to undergo mandatory military service
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Mandatory military service system on a voluntary basis of the female citizens is introduced. According to the presented application, the relations regarding the calculation of honorarium after the military registration, conscription, assignment to the place of service after the end of the service of the RA female citizens: the RA Minister of Defense Suren Papikyan said at June 15 NA sitting.

The Minister presented the legislative package of the draft laws on Making Addenda and Amendment to the RA Law on Military Service and the Status of Servicemen and on Making Addenda to the RA law on Defense in the first reading for debate for the deputies’ debate in the first reading.

According to the draft, the RA female citizens of 18-27-year-old can apply an application for the mandatory military service set 6 months.

The key rapporteur informed that after submitting an application they will have a right to refuse to undergo mandatory military service.

Training unit is designated for female citizens to without drawing lots, and the service is organized exclusively in that military unit.

According to Suren Papikyan, in case of turning 6-month term or before turning the term prematurely being demobilized because of health condition the female citizens will receive honorarium in the amount of 1mln AMD in case of completing the service 6 months, and in case of prematurely being demobilized, in the amount received sum of money, as a result of dividing the designed sum of money into 6 months and multiplying in a number of factually served months.

They will be given the right to apply for Motherland Defender programme instead of being mobilized on the basis of completing 6-month term and to go into contract service for 5 years.

“The mobilized female citizens will be registered in the reserve force in accordance of military rank and military registration profession,” the Minister of Defense said.

The draft defines the cases of military registration of the female citizens submitting application and of terminating the military registration.

The Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on Defense and Security Armen Khachatryan called on his colleagues to vote for the draft.

The parliament passed the package of draft laws in the first reading.

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