Parliament debates in the second reading passes a number of drafts
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On June 26, the National Assembly debated a number of drafts in the second reading at the convened extraordinary session.

As a result of the adoption of the draft law on Making Addendum to the law on Public Service, the moment of assuming the powers of the persons being appointed in the public office by the Prime Minister and being released from the public office and their suspension will be specified by law. The Prime Minister’s decisions are published on website. After passing the draft in the first reading it was not passed. The RA Deputy Minister of Justice Armenuhi Harutyunyan presented the draft law.

Afterwards the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the law on Anti-Corruption Committee, which also presented Armenuhi Hrautyunyan, was debated in the second reading.

It is designed to form a Committee in the Anti-Corruption Committee for filling in the gaps existing in the law. It will be comprised of 8 members.

The Committee members will be appointed for 3 years.

After passing the draft in the first reading it was amended.

The RA Deputy Minister of Justice presented the law on Making Addenda to the Constitutional law on Constitutional Court and the package of the enclosed bills. As the rapporteur informed, the deputy Arpine Davoyan presented a proposal of amending the Civil Procedure Code from the first to the second reading, and it was accepted.

The amendments to the law on Service in the Police are conditioned by the necessity of improving and replenishing the professional readiness of the Criminal Police staff members.

According to the Deputy Minister of the RA Internal Affairs Davit Hambaryan, with the initiative the legal relations on the attestation of the Criminal Police employees were specified.

There was a need to make addenda and amendments to the bill on Police and the enclosed package of bills. According to the key rapporteur, the Deputy Minister of the RA Internal Affairs Davit Hambaryan, after the first reading the initiative was revised on the basis of the proposals presented by the deputy Vilen Gabrielyan and the Government.

The deputy Arsen Torosyan presented proposals during the period from the first to the second reading.

New opportunities for the development of selection and seed germination will be created, the breeder’s rights will be more distinctly and precisely by the adoption of the draft law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the law on Protection of Plant Varieties. Good-quality of highly valued varieties and planting materials will be imported to Armenia, the volumes of plant breeding and the investments will increase, as well as the opportunities of cooperation.

The purpose of the adoption of the package of draft laws on Making Amendments and Addenda to the law on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances and on Amending the RA Code on Administrative Offences is the creation of more favourable conditions for the production of the hemp, export, import and the persons applied for licensing of wholesale trade and the regulation of legal relations.

The National Assembly passed the draft laws in the second reading and completely.

Covering the agenda, the National Assembly ended the work of the extraordinary session.

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