Legislative initiative on organizing remote work debated in first reading
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The draft on Amending the RA Labor Code propose and distinct and flexible procedure of the organization of the organization of remote work, by which the employers and the employees will have versions of organizing work with less favourable conditions, maintaining the labour rights and guarantees established for the employees than the work in the fixed workplaces. Taking into consideration the experience of different countries, the term ‘remote work’ is proposed to set by draft. It is established that the remote work is the fulfilment of work duties without going to workplace. The RA Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Ruben Sargsyan said, presenting the issue in the National Assembly in the first reading on September 12. As he clarified, remote work can be done in case, when the character of the work allows. The employee carrying out remote work should be available for the employer, that circumstance will be regulated with employee-employer mutual consent.

The order and conditions of the implementation of the remote work, as well as all the issues on compensation of the expenditures connected with the necessary equipment, materials or their acquisition will be decided with the consent in written form of the employer and employee. The regulations will be in force for the employers of the private, as well as state sector.

Public debate on the draft was held, the international experience was studied, proposals were received from the deputies.

As a result of the draft adoption, it is expected that the involvement of the specialists with disabilities, as well as with high qualification in the work will increase. The Deputy Minister informed that the remote work is effective both for the employee and the employer. “The efficiency of the remote work lasting for more than two days, decreases,” the Deputy Minister said referring to the international experience.

The member of the NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs Lilit Stepanyan presented the endorsement of the Committee, touched upon the international experience of the organization of remote work and the citizens’ some concerns. The deputy clarified that turning into remote work cannot negatively reflect on the work years, as well as cannot be a basis for dismissing from work The MP informed that the work is organized in remote format on Thursdays, on Fridays or only on Fridays in the institutions of some countries, especially in the state ones, as result of which, gas, electricity, water, etc are saved.

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