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Procedure of granting RA citizenship to be facilitated by adoption of draft law
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The presenting amendments will give an opportunity to the RA competent bodies to more and fully organize the procedure of granting citizenship of the Republic of Armenia the persons with no RA citizenship.

The draft law on Making Amendment and Addendum to the law on RA Citizenship authored by the deputy of the RA NA Civil Contract Faction was debated at the RA NA sitting on October 3.

It is proposed to also to give an opportunity for applying to acquire RA citizenship the person having no RA citizenship, turning 18 and whose parent has RA citizenship.

The Government proposed regulation, which was accepted by the author. According to that proposal, “The person, whose parent or one of them had RA citizenship before, and permanently resided in the RA during the last one year set forth by law, may acquire RA citizenship.”

The persons acquiring RA citizenship will give an opportunity to more actively take part in the RA political, economic, cultural, public life, contributing to their working and professional activities for the benefit of the Republic of Armenia. In Rustam Bakoyan’s opinion, legislative opportunities will be created by the adoption of the draft and favourable conditions will be set for acquiring RA citizenship.

Working debate was organized with the concerned persons and representatives of relevant structure to revise the draft.

The co-rapporteur, the member of the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Alkhas Ghazaryan presented the endorsement of the Head Committee on the draft and called on her colleagues to vote for it.

The Head of the Migration and Citizenship Service of the RA Ministry of Internal Affairs Armen Ghazaryan presented the endorsement of the Government.

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