Young Armenian Diaspora Also Concerned About Having Close Relations With Motherland

On August 3 NA Vice President Vahan Hovhannisyan had a meeting with around 100 members of the scout grouping of ARF (Armenian Revolutionary Federation) youth organization held in Yerevan from July 31 to August 9.

The Vice President of the Parliament presented the functions of the National Assembly reserved by the Constitution, the principles of law making, as well as the peculiarities of the activity of the Armenian Parliament. Mr. Hovhannisyan noted that becoming a member of the European family Armenia has adopted new principles that emanate from the requirements of democracy. And according to Mr. Hovhannisyan, democracy is vital first of all to us, and then - to Europe.

Speaking about the Armenia-Diaspora relations the NA Vice President said that naturally today the Diaspora is not united, because it is spread all over the world, and consequently Armenia has to be the only link uniting the Diaspora. Highlighting that the future owner of our country is today's generation, Mr. Hovhannisyan stressed the importance of maintaining Armenian identity in Diaspora. “Don’t let Armenia and Artsakh be only tourist sites for you, ” called on NA Vice President Vahan Hovhannisyan.

The participants of the meeting were particularly interested in the adoption of law on dual citizenship about which they had certain clarifications from the NA Vice President. Several members of ARF youth organization asked questions to the Vice President of the Parliament. The questions concerned particularly the Armenian programs of young family support, the Armenia-Diaspora cultural events, as well as issues related to the preservation of the Armenian language, making relations with Motherland more permanent. NA Vice President Vahan Hovhannisyan gave exhaustive answers to all of the questions and called on to visit Armenia more frequently.