OSCE PA MPs visit Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex
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On November 18, the MPs of France, Cyprus and Sweden being in Armenia to take part in the works of the Autumn Meeting of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly taking place in Yerevan visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex.

The guests laid flowers at the Eternal Fire perpetuating the memory of the Armenian Genocide victims and honoured the memory of Holy Martyrs.

“We highlight the condemnation of the Armenian Genocide. We also have our clear position on everything that happened by Azerbaijan. We are next to the Armenian people,” the member of the delegation of France to OSCE PA Pascal Lecamp said.

The Head of the delegation of Cyprus to OSCE PA Irene Charalambides noted that Cyprus was one of the first countries that condemned the Genocide committed against the Armenians. She added that what happened with the population of Nagorno Karabakh, also should be strongly condemned.

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