RA Deputy Minister of Justice: Legislative initiative is aimed at the rise of efficiency of correctional officer’s continuous education
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The necessity of the adoption of the draft is conditioned by the training of the correctional officers and ensuring the procedure of the special education efficiency rise.

The RA Deputy Minister of Justice Levon Balyan said this at November 23 regular sitting of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs presenting for debate in the first reading the draft law on Making Addendum to the law on Penitentiary Service.

According to him, as a result of the test being passed by the end of training or special education courses, in case of getting negative, ‘non-checked’ mark distinct legal consequences by law are not deigned. As a result, it appeared to be that ensuring correctional officer’s continuous education efficiency and the professional qualitative knowledge and skills are left to the correctional officer’s discretion, which not professionally, nor legally is not right.

It was noted that by the adoption of the bill it is expected to raise the efficiency level of the correctional officer’s continuous education.

The co-rapporteur, the deputy Arpine Davoyan, highlighting the adoption of the bill called on her colleagues to vote for it.

As a result of debate, the Committee members endorsed the legislative initiative.

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