Rustam Bakoyan meets with Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq to Armenia
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Our two countries turned to a new phase of development of relations, and during the last three years, special dynamics is noticed in the Armenian-Iraqi relations. The Head of the RA NA Armenia-Iraq Friendship Group Rustam Bakoyan said this at the meeting held with the Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq to Armenia Suhailan M. Khaleel Al-Joubouri on December 4.

The Head of the Friendship Group greatly highlighted the development of relations with the Middle East countries, and especially, the Republic of Iraq within the framework of the foreign policy priorities of the Republic of Armenia and especially, with the Republic of Iraq. Rustam Bakoyan touched upon the first, historical visit of the President of Iraq to Armenia.

Suhailan M. Khaleel Al-Joubouri noted that Iraq wants to deepen the cooperation with Armenia in different spheres.

Both sides valued the role of the diplomatic relations in the development of the relations of the two countries, the importance of the effective activity of the Parliamentary Friendship Groups was underlined.

Agenda items regarding the organization of mutual visits and practical cooperation in a number of spheres.

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