Parliament debates issue of electing member of Audit Chamber
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In accordance with Article 145 of the Constitutional Law Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, the Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs proposed to the National Assembly the candidacy of Hakob Mihranyan nominated by the Civil Contract Faction for the vacant position of the member of the Audit Chamber. The NA Vice President Hakob Arshakyan spoke about this at the NA sitting on December 5.

The Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Gevorg Papoyan presented the biographical data and work experience of the candidate. Hakob Mihranyan currently holds the position of the Head of the second Department of the Audit Chamber.

Referring to the close cooperation with the Audit Chamber in recent years, Gevorg Papoyan noted that many audits presented by the Chamber were debated in the Parliament. “Management of a number of audits was carried out by Mr. Mihranyan. They were high-quality audits, where a number of problems were raised, a number of proposals were made, and thus these audits were already worthy to be debated in the National Assembly,” the rapporteur underlined.

Hakob Mihranyan thanked the Civil Contract Faction for nominating his candidacy.

He introduced his ideas regarding the activity of the Audit Chamber and the problems of the audit process. It was noted that the Law on the Audit Chamber has certain gaps that affect the effectiveness of the audit process. “In the current law, the scope of the audited objects, the access to some information under the management of these objects are limited, the provisions and procedures regarding the post-control are not clear”, the reporter underscored and added that the gaps in the law were solved by the new draft law on the Audit Chamber initiated by the MPs. Hakob Mihranyan highlighted the Chamber’s cooperation with the international partners.

“If I am entrusted with the honor of working as a member of the Audit Chamber, I am committed to strengthening the connection between state administration and public control,” the candidate said, concluding his speech.

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