Parliament debates candidacy of Narine Avetisyan nominated for the position of the member of the Corruption Prevention Commission
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Narine Avetisyan was nominated as a candidate for the position of the member of the Corruption Prevention Commission (CPC) by the decision of the Competition Council. The RA NA President Alen Simonyan, who presided over the sitting, said this.

The member of the Competition Council Artur Hovsepyan presented the candidate’s biographical data and work experience.

Narine Avetisyan is a lawyer by her profession. From January 2021 the candidate worked in the Corruption Prevention Commission as a Chief Methodologist of the Methodological Support Department, from December 2022 – the Head of the Control Department of the Public Employee Behaviour. As the rapporteur informed, Narine Avetisyan passed a number of profile trainings related to the working activity.

It was noted that on October 25 of this year Narine Avetisyan presented a bid for taking part in the Competition being held for filling the position to become vacant of the Corruption Prevention Commission, and on November 20 the Competition Council approved her candidacy.

“It is a great honour and responsibility for me to give a speech from the high tribune of the National Assembly and present my vision of the Commission on an establishment of the institute, as well as within the framework of the prevention mandate on the implementation of the anti-corruption policy,” Narine Avetisyan underscored.

According to the candidate, the corruption destroys the public trust towards democratic institutes, impedes the fair electoral processes, endangering the freedom and transparency of the elections, weakens the rule of law, giving privilege to the individuals or organizations to avoid the responsibility and often result in the political decisions, which prefer the personal interest. As the rapporteur assessment, the fight against corruption is decisive for the democratic management maintenance and strengthening. It was mentioned that the anti-corruption strong measures, the transparent institutes, the involved and sober civil society are stable components of flexible democracy. As Narine Avetisyan assessed, Armenia turned into period of free and fair elections, the competitive economic environment, the protection of the citizen’s rights and the rule of law.

In the candidate’s opinion, the fight against corruption is not easy, and it is necessary to introduce such structures, which will be sensitive towards any corruption manifestations. It was mentioned that the rise in awareness of the most efficient and stable way of overcoming the corruption, the boosting and spreading of the anti-corruption education in different lawyers – from the kindergarten to parental care.

Narine Avetisyan assured that for the benefit of state and statehood, she is ready for serve her experience and knowledge to the corruption prevention during the upcoming years. “I assure that in case of being elected as a member the decisions made by me will be absolutely independent and unbiased and only for the benefit of the Republic of Armenia,” the candidate said ending her speech.

Narine Avetisyan answered the deputies’ questions, touching upon the corruption prevention in the private sector, the financial accountability and control of the parties, the introduction of the electronic tool of the building integrity study and the improvement of the declaration system

In their speeches the deputies spoke about different manifestations of the corruption. Considering the corruption, the greatest challenge the effective fight against it was emphasized.

On behalf of the RA NA Civil Contract Faction, the Head of the Faction Hayk Konjoryan delivered a speech. He noted that there is a tradition in the parliament, according to which, many candidates meet with the ruling and opposition factions until the start of the NA regular sittings. According to the rapporteur, the people elected the deputies so that they elect the most important officials. It was mentioned that if the legislator elects for example an official, the judge of the Court of Cassation as a result of one speech and one Q&A session, that election in many cases cannot be rather comprehensive. According to Hayk Konjoryan, there is need for work meetings and debates. “The meetings of the candidates with the Faction are working debates, and they are not secret meetings.” The Head of the Faction underscored, referring to the meeting behind closed doors but not secret of their faction with the candidate of the CPC member.

“The parliament refers to and will refer to all candidates with the greatest responsibility within the framework of its powers,” Hayk Konjoryan noted.

The National Assembly debated the issue of the election of the member of the Corruption Prevention Commission at December 7 NA sitting.

The Chairman of the NA Counting Commission Narek Babayna informed that no NA deputy took part in the voting of the election of the candidate Narine Avetisyan nominated for the vacant position of the member of the Corruption Prevention Commission: Therefor there were no ballot papers.

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